
22 Feb

Independence Day of Saint Lucia
By: BRAMS | Published On: 22/02/19 2:17 am

Today Saint Lucia celebrates the 40th anniversary of independence. This public holiday marks the date when the island became an independent state of the Commonwealth of Nations in 1979.

In 1500 Juan de la Cosa noted the island on his map, calling it El Falcon. Christopher Columbus may have sighted the island during his fourth voyage in 1502 since he landed Martinique, although his log does not mention the island. A Spanish Cedula from 1511 mentions the island within the Spanish domain. A 1520 globe made in the Vatican shows the island named Sancta Lucia. A 1529 Spanish map shows S. Luzia.


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8 Feb

To race, unquestionably
By: BRAMS | Published On: 8/02/19 11:31 pm

The globally famous trio of drivers is back again this Friday.

Jeremy Clarkson drives the new Lamborghini Urus SUV on slippery roads of Sweden and ice races Grand Tour driver Abbie Eaton in a Porsche 911 Turbo across a frozen lake.

James May tests a French sports car Alpine A110 at the Eboladrome.

Richard Hammond profiles Scottish racing driver Jim Clark, a modest genius of the drive whose achievements on a track made him arguably the greatest of all time before his life was tragically cut short.


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5 Feb

Happy Safer Inet Day!
By: BRAMS | Published On: 5/02/19 1:26 am

Safer Internet Day is celebrated annually in February. The special day has been established to promote "the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people". There are thousands of centres globally that patronise the event, coordinated by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission, and national Safer Internet Centres across Europe.

More than 100 SID Committees work closely with the Safer Internet Day Coordination Team, which is based in Brussels. Every national safer Internet centre (SIC) implements awareness and educational campaigns, runs a helpline, and works with youth to create a better internet.

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2 Feb

The non-expendable
By: BRAMS | Published On: 2/02/19 5:16 am

On 31st January Dolph Lundgren arrived in Tbilisi for 4 days. The famous Swedish actor, producer, and movie director has been invited by the Georgian Beer Company to star in a Ragnar commercial that is due to go on air in June. Also, he was a guest of honour at the Tbilisi premiere of Creed II. The popular actor is accompanied by his younger brother Johan.


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1 Feb

On wheels in Wales
By: BRAMS | Published On: 1/02/19 10:15 pm

Jeremy Clarkson in a Volkswagen Amarok, Richard Hammond in a Ford Ranger, and James May in the new Mercedes X-class investigate the new breed of European pick-up trucks testing them with a series of challenges.


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