
Contributions, John Christie quote (1952). Credit to Maia Nadareishvili

BRAMS Institute is a non-profit organization that researches the two most powerful countries in the world – The United Kingdom and The United States of America – and analyzes their direct or indirect influence on the rest of the world. The Institute's main goals are to tailor the global experience to meet the needs of our homeland – Georgia (Sakartvelo) – and share our best results with those interested.

As an independent institution, BRAMS is free from any influence. However, our successful escape from outside control means we need voluntary contributions to continue all the BRAMS work. Unlike sports or arts, academic research can bring significant results even with modest funds. However, no contribution means no achievement.

You can support us for as little as 10.00 USD or choose any of our services, such as submitting your articles to our journal or becoming BRAMS ambassadors by word of mouth. All contributions are greatly welcomed!


If you are interested in any of our services, contact us and we will get in touch:


If you wish to support our cause, you can contribute financially even if you do not need our services. Your small donation can make a big difference for us the day after tomorrow:


A contribution can take many forms. It can be a measurable donation to BRAMS Institute to help us continue our current projects, or it can be less tangible, like a new proposal. Our goal is to do more for the world society, and we are ready to accept work offers that we can complete the best. Any contribution will allow us to further our think tank's mission.

We thank you for visiting our website and taking the time to learn about us. Every contribution counts!