About BRAMS Institute


About BRAMS Institute. Credit to Maia Nadareishvili

During a summer day in July 2018, Georgian founder Maia Nadare and British Professor Jeremy J. Ramsden discussed the idea of launching the Institute for British, American, and Kartvelian (Georgian) interdisciplinary Global Studies. While considering twelve name options, they noticed the similarity between one of the abbreviations – BRAMS from 'Br(itain) + Am(erica) + S(akartvelo)' – and the last name of Johannes Brahms, a German composer and pianist. As both were great admirers of classical music, they decided on BRAMS Institute as a name for the new think tank.

The Georgian Association for American Studies (GAAS) has initiated many centres for American Studies throughout Georgia. Similarly, Professor Vasil Kacharava, the President of the Georgian Association for American Studies, encouraged the birth of BRAMS Institute and supported it with generous presents such as valuable books and journals about American studies.

BRAMS Institute is a think tank with a small but relevantly built team of experienced professionals. Each professional has been in British, American, and Kartvelian (Georgian) studies for at least two decades, lecturing at various Georgian universities, publishing monographs, submitting articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, and participating in international conferences.

BRAMS Institute is a non-profit academic institution comprising leading experts who provide advice and ideas on a wide range of political, cultural, economic, and media problems. They aim to replace unnecessary or faulty stereotypes with the best solutions for Georgia and the modern world, which is currently unstable and facing circumstantial influences. Despite being a relatively new institute, the team members' extensive experience has quickly earned them significant interest worldwide, establishing their professional reputation as a respected Georgian think tank on British, American, and Kartvelian interdisciplinary global studies. Their work attracts both local and international interest.

The team members are often asked why they dedicate their time to something unprofitable for their pockets. The answer is simple: they consider their activity profitable for their homeland and the rest of the world. As American politician Alan Autry once said, "Leadership requires the courage to make decisions that will benefit the next generation." This strong motivation inspires the BRAMS think-tankers, who have already made a couple of butterfly effects. They enjoy challenges and are prepared to face the long and hard road ahead, knowing that the best result is yet to come.